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When you fire up your web browser and go to a site, what you're doing is asking the remote computer to send you some information (via the http protocol). Often this information is in the form of an html file. HTML, which stands for hyper text markup language, is simply a set of instructions that your browser follows to display a page with certain features. An html file is just a text file containing these instructions.

The instructions in an html file are contained in what are called tags, which are enclosed within left and right triangular brackets. The basic form of an html page is as follows:

<title>Some title</title>
The main body goes here
Your browser uses the instructions contained within the tags to display what is asked for - the actual tags themselves are not visible (you can see the source of an html page by choosing the View Source, or equivalent, menu item). Tags themselves are case-insensitive, and whitespace and linebreaks between tags are ignored - the above could also have been written as
The main body 
        goes here

In this section we will just lay out some basic HTML tags to get one started - there are many references on the web that go into more detail. An especially good one is

There are two main parts to an html page - the head and the body. A basic use for the head is to put in a title:

<title>Some title</title>
which will use Some title as the title of the page displayed in the title bar at the very top of the browser window. The main content of the page is found within the body section - we list below some common tags used in this section.

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