Next: Form processing
Previous: Common markup tags
Form tags
There are also special form tags that will render in a browser
elements useful to gather information from a user.
A form is specied as
<form method="get"
<!-- Various form elements follow
where the (optional) attributes illustrated are
- method: this is usually either get or post.
The difference between these is that, with get, the
form information is sent as part of the url (uniform
resource locator) address, whereas in post, the information
is sent within the content of the request.
- action: this gives the location of where the
form data should be sent to - if not specified, the information
is sent to the originating page.
- enctype: this specifies the type of encoding.
Some examples of form elements are listed below. For each
such element there are two important aspects - the name
of the element, which is used as a label for that piece
of data, and the value, which is the value the user
has filled out for that particular element.
- <input type="text" name="search" size="13" />
This gives a one-line input box by which the user types in
some data. If a value attribute is specified, this
will be used as the default.
- <textarea rows="5" cols="72" name="comments"></textarea>
This gives a multi-line input area, often used to enter comments.
If a value attribute is specified, this
will be used as the default.
- <input type="checkbox" name="fries" value="yes" />
This is used to display a checkbox, which is used as the
answer to some boolean (yes/no or true/false) question.
<input type="radio" name="card" value="Visa" checked />Visa
<input type="radio" name="card" value="Mastercard" />Master Card
<input type="radio" name="card" value="AmEx" />American Express
This is used to display a series of radio buttons. Each button
is associated with the same name, but they have different
values - if one gets selected, the others are deselected.
The default value is denoted by checked.
<select name="province">
<option value="AB">Alberta</option>
<option value="MB" selected>Manitoba</option>
<option value="SK">Saskatchewan</option>
<option value="BC">British Columbia</option>
This is used to display a pull-down list of choices.
The default is denoted by selected.
- <input type="submit" value="Send it off!" />
This is the submit button, used to send the
form information off. value, if present,
will be used as the text appearing on the button.
- <input type="reset" value="Restore defaults" />
This is a reset button, used to set the form
values back to their default values. value, if present,
will be used as the text appearing on the button.
To see how form data gets sent (via the get method),
visit, type in some
search term, and press the Google Search button.
The page displaying the results will have in the
address bar a location such as
which has been truncated to fit on one line. What this
address means is that the script processing the
data (, has received
some form elements in the form of a query string, which
is everything that appears after the ? in the address.
The query string is a series of name=value pairs,
separated by the & symbol (or, in some cases, a
semicolon ;). In this case there are three form
elements, q, ie, and hl, which
for this search have taken on values
Perl+rules, UTF-8, and en, respectively.
Next: Form processing
Previous: Common markup tags