- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
This is used to denote the start of the body - optional
attributes, like bgcolor, can be used to specify
the background color of the page (colors are specified
in their hexadecimal form - see http://www.htmlhelp.org/
for a listing).
- <h3>A level 3 heading</h3>
This is used to render the text within the opening
<h3> tag and the closing </h3> tag
as a level 3 heading. There are 6 such levels - level
1 is very prominant, and level 6 is the least prominant.
- <b>Some bold text</b>
This displays the enclosed text in bold-face.
- <i>Some italicized text</i>
This displays the enclosed text in italics.
- <p>Some paragraph</p>
This makes the enclosed text a distinct paragraph.
- <img src="some_image.png" />
This inserts the image, specified by the src attribute
of the img tag, at that
point in the page. Most browsers will display png,
jpg, and gif images right within the browser
window - for some other image formats, an external
program may be used.
- <a href="http://www.disney.com/">link text</A>
This is used to make links to other pages, either extrnal,
if a protocol like http appears in the href
attribute of the a (anchor) tag, or local, if no
protocol is specified. The enclosed text will be displayed
typically underlined in a different color - when the
cursor hovers over it, typically it changes from an arrow
to a hand, and if the user clicks on that link, the browser
is directed to the page specified by href.
<li>pick up milk</li>
<li>take dog for a walk</li>
This is used to display unordered lists - use <ol>,
and the associated ending </ol>, to display an
ordered (numbered) list.
<table width="70%">
<th align="center">Column 1</th>
<th align="center">Column 2</th>
<td align="center">entry 1</td>
<td align="center">entry 2</td>
<td align="center">entry 3</td>
<td align="center">entry 4</td>
This is used to display a table - tr denotes
a table row, with columns specified either with th,
for a table heading, or td, for table data.
<!-- This is a comment for humans
This is used to insert comments, which are ignored
by the browser.