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Center of Gravity

Definition: Center of Gravity

The center of gravity of a collection of masses is the point where all the weight of the object can be considered to be concentrated. If (xcg,ycg) are the coordinates of the centre of gravity of a collection of point masses m1 , m2 , etc, located at coordinates ( x1,y1 ), ( x2,y2 ), respectively, then:

(m1 + m2 + ..)gxcg = m1gx1 + m2gx2 +... (5)
(m1 + m2 + ..)gycg = m1gy1 + m2gy2 +... (6)
Equations (8.6) and (8.6) imply that the torque about the origin would be the same if the entire weight acted through the center of gravity instead of acting through the individual masses.

Solving for the x -coordinate of the center of gravity:

xcg = $\displaystyle{\sum m_i x_i \over \sum m_i}$. (7)

Similary, the y-coordinate of the centre of gravity is:

ycg = $\displaystyle{\sum m_i y_i\over \sum m_i}$. (8)


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