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Up until the late 1800's the wave picture of light was the prevalent theory,
as it could explain most of the experiments done on light. However, there
were a few notable exceptions. One such exception
was that associated with blackbody
radiation, which is the characteristic radiation that a body emits when
It was known that this radiation changes in nature as the temperature changes,
and experiments on ``blackbodies'' (perfect absorbers and emitters) show the
following typical curves of the intensity of the radiation
(energy emitted per unit time per unit area) vs. the wavelength at a fixed
temperature T , as in
Fig. 27.1.
Figure 27.1:
Blackbody radiation
When the wave picture of light was applied to
this problem, however, it failed - it predicted that the intensity, I ,
for a given temperature should
behave as
| (1)
which agrees with the experimental data for long wavelengths but diverges
for short wavelengths, unlike what really happens. This is illustrated in
Fig. 27.2.
Figure 27.2:
Classical prediction of blackbody radiation
In 1900 Planck devised a theory of blackbody radiation which gave good
agreement for all wavelengths. In this theory the molecules of a body
cannot have arbitrary energies but instead are quantized - the
energies can only have
discrete values. The magnitude of these energies is given by the formula
n = 0,1,2,... is an integer, f is the frequency of vibration of
the molecule, and h is a constant, now called Planck's constant:
h = 6.63 x 10- 34 J s .
| (3)
Furthermore, he postulated that when a molecule went from a higher energy
state to a lower one it emitted a quanta (packet) of radiation, or
photon, which
carried away the excess energy.
With this photon picture, Planck was able to successfully explain
the blackbody radiation curves, both at long and at short wavelengths. However, it was a radical
departure from the conventional picture of light
emitted from a blackbody, and at the time many people
felt it was simply a calculational trick invented to
obtain the right answer.
Next: The Photoelectric Effect
Up: Quantum Physics
Previous: Quantum Physics