Next: Problems
Up: Interference
Previous: Young's Double Slit Experiment
Idea: When light is reflected off a more dense medium with
higher index of refraction, crests get reflected as troughs and
troughs get reflected as crests. The wave is said undergo a
180 o change of phase on reflection. The net effect of
the phase change is that the
reflected ray ``jumps ahead" by
half a wave length. Thus, if one of the rays undergoes an odd
number of phase changes, the conditions
for constructive and destructive interference must be modified:
r1 - r2 = (m +
m = 1,2,.... constructive
r1 - r2 = (m)
m = 1,2,... destructive
The above formulas are valid whenever an odd number of phase
changes occur.
If an even number of phase changes occur then the original,
unmodified formulas
must be used.
The phase change does not happen when light is
reflected off a less dense medium, i.e. for total internal