Next: The Simple Pendulum
Up: Vibrations and Waves
Previous: Elastic Potential Energy
Idea: There is a very strong analogy between circular motion and
harmonic motion. Consider a particle moving with constant angular
in a circle of radius R , as shown in Fig.13.2.
Figure 13.2:
Analogue Between Circular and Simple Harmonic Motion
Its x-coordinate is given as a function of time by:
x = Rcos( t)
| (9)
and the x-component of its tangential velocity is:
vx = - vtsin( t) = - R sin( t).
| (10)
From this we deduce that
x 2 + vx2 = R 2
| (11)
which can be solved for vx :
vx = .
| (12)
This is precisely the same as Eq.(13.7) relating the speed of an
to its position, providing we identify the radius with the
amplitude and
the angular velocity with
. Since the period (and
frequency) are known for circular motion (
T = 2
, f = 1/T ),
this analogy allows us to deduce expressions for the period (and
frequency) of
the corresponding simple harmonic oscillator:
Similarly, the displacement and velocity as functions of time can
also be deduced:
Acos( t) = Acos(2 ft)
| (14) |
- Asin( t) = - Asin(2 ft).
| (15) |
These expressions are plotted in the following figures.
Figure 13.3:
Position and Velocity as Functions of Time
)t = 2
ft gives the argument of the sine and
functions in radians. Make sure that your calculator is set
to radians
when doing these problems.
Next: The Simple Pendulum
Up: Vibrations and Waves
Previous: Elastic Potential Energy