Next: Magnetism from electricity
Up: Magnetic forces on moving
Previous: Electric motor
Another device which uses the magnetic forces existing on
current carrying wires is the speaker. A speaker is
a device which takes an electrical signal (which was at one time a
sound wave), and converts it back into a sound wave. A basic speaker
is pictured below.
Figure 9.9:
Basic speaker / microphone
In the speaker, electrical signals in the form of an AC current
are sent through a loop which is immersed in a magnetic field.
This loop thus experiences a force, which is is transferred to the
attached speaker membrane. Because the current is alternating, the speaker
is alternatively pushed to the left and then to the right in the
figure. These vibrations cause air molecules to start to vibrate,
which causes a sound wave to be generated, which our ears interpret
as sound. By modulating the strength and frequency
of the current, it is possible
to change the amplitude and frequency of oscillation of the speaker membrane.
This results in a corresponding change in the volume, and pitch of the
resulting sound.
Next: Magnetism from electricity
Up: Magnetic forces on moving
Previous: Electric motor