Next: Refraction
Up: Properties of light
Previous: Reflection
The Speed of Light
The speed of light in vacuum has been measured to be 300 million
meters per second. This is the fastest that anything has been
observed to move. At that speed it
would take light a mere one tenth of a
second to circumvent the globe. When light enters any material, it slows
down. The amount that it slows down depends on the nature of the
material. The more dense the material, the slower the speed
light. For example, in water, light is approximately 30% slower
than in vacuum, while in glass it is 50% slower. In diamand, one of
of the most dense material known, light travels at less than 150
million meters per second. Remarkably, in the past year research
at MIT have been able to make microscopic quantities of a very
strange, and very dense state of matter in which the speed of light
is (theoretically) calculated to be just a few meters per second.
This slowing down of light plays an
important role in how we interpret refraction, which we discuss