perl 34 66 dallasand the arguments 34, 66, and dallas are captured and subsequently used in your program. How this can be done with Perl is through the use of a special array called @ARGV which Perl will create when the script is run; the elements of @ARGV are the command-line arguments used (if any) when the script was invoked. For example, if we had a script
for my $arg (@ARGV) { print qq{You passed in $arg\n}; }and ran it as perl 34 66 dallas, then we would find as output
You passed in 34 You passed in 66 You passed in dallasUsing command-line arguments is often convenient for passing in oft-used information and in which printing out a message and then waiting for user input can be tedious. See the documentation for the Getopt::Std and Getpt::Long modules for a more flexible approach for command line processing.
The print LIST function is used for relatively straightforward items. At times though you may want to do some formatting of the results. For this purpose you can use the printf function:
my $pi = 3.1415926539052; printf( qq{Pi to 5 decimal places is %.5f}, $pi);You can put in multiple format statements, in which case the variables will be formatted in order:
my $n = 5; my $pi = 3.1415926539052; printf( qq{Pi to %d decimal places is %.5f}, $n, $pi);The % symbol is used to signal the type of format to use - some common ones are
printf( qq{<%10d>\n}, 12);will print out
< 12>while
printf( qq{<%-10d>\n}, 12);will print out
<12 >
There is also a sprintf function, used as, for example
my $pi = 3.1415926539052; my $truncated_pi = sprintf( qq{\%.5f}, $pi);to assign a formatted expression to a variable.