Checkbuttons and radiobuttons are useful when there are
just a few (set) options available to a user. However, when the
number of options increases, such buttons tend to
clutter the window. Which country do you live in?
What file would you like to open?
In such cases the listbox widget
becomes useful. The syntax for creating a listbox is
my $lb = $mw->Listbox( [ option => value ] );
A basic option is
- -selectmode => mode
with mode being one of the following
- single: allows only one item to be selected
- browse: similar to single, but the selection
moves with the mouse when the mouse moves around
- multiple: allows multiple items to be selected with the
mouse. Selecting an already selected item will deselect it.
- extended: also allows multiple items to be selected.
The left mouse button clicked alone will select any single
item, and deselect any other. Shift-clicking will extend
the selection from the initial selection to the currently
selected item. Control-clicking will add the the item being
clicked to the list of selected items.
As well as this option, there are some basic methods that are
used to add items to a listbox, retrieve the items that were
selected, and to clear the list of selections:
- $lb->insert('end', @array);
inserts the elements of @array into the listbox at the
given position (in this case, ``end'', which
is an alias for the last item)
- @selections = $lb->curselection;
returns a list of the indices (starting at ``0'')
of the currently selected
items in the listbox
- $item = $lb->get($index);
returns the element associated with the index $index
- $lb->selectionClear(0, 'end');
clears all selections of the listbox
An example of the use of the listbox follows.
# file
use Tk;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $lb_value = 'not given';
my $message = "Your favourite programming language is $lb_value";
my @languages = qw(Perl C C++ Java Pascal Fortran Basic);
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
my $label = $mw->Label(-textvariable => \$message);
my $enter = $mw->Label(-text => 'Select your favourite languages');
my $lb = $mw->Listbox(-selectmode => 'multiple');
$lb->insert('end', sort @languages);
my $show = $mw->Button(-text => 'Show selections',
-command => \&display);
my $exit = $mw->Button(-text => 'Exit',
-command => [$mw => 'destroy']);
sub display {
my @selections = $lb->curselection;
$message = "You selected: \n";
foreach (@selections) {
$message .= $lb->get($_) . "\n";
$lb->selectionClear(0, 'end');
The window is illustrated below.
Figure 3.10:
Example of a listbox widget
Here the listbox $lb is populated with the array
@languages, and a string $message is used as
the text for the label $label.
The button $show invokes the
display subroutine which first finds the indices of
the selected items, and then appends the values to the
$message string through the $lb->get method.
The selections are then cleared.
Randy Kobes