The main window of a Perl/Tk program is created by
use of MainWindow, as below.
use Tk;
use strict;
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
# insert widgets into $mw
# place any subroutines here
Widgets are the various components of the Tk program
that interact with the user; the basic types of
widgets - buttons, labels, checkbuttons, radiobuttons,
scales, entries, text entries, scrollable widgets,
menubuttons, menus, and dialogue boxes - we will describe
in the next chapter. To give a flavour for the
syntax, though, we give a simple example of the
use of a ``Button'' widget:
# file
use Tk;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
my $exit = $mw->Button(-text => 'Exit',
-command => [$mw => 'destroy']);
A screenshot of this window appears below.
Figure 2.2:
A simple Perl/Tk program
In this example, we begin by creating the main window,
with a title via the title method. The button
widget, represented by the variable $exit, is
created from a call to the Button method. Two
options are passed to this call - one, the text option,
passes along the string to be used as a label for the
button, and the other, the command option,
specifies the action to be taken when the button is
pressed (in this case, simply exit the program). The
pack method, which will be discussed later in this
chapter, places the widget in the window.
MainWindow is in fact a special kind of Toplevel
widget, of which a given program may have several (for example,
a help window may be invoked when a particular button is pressed
within the main window). A Toplevel window is created
via the following syntax:
my $toplevel = $mw->Toplevel( [ option => value ]);
The various options available, as described in the
Tk documentation, are listed below.
- -background
This is the same as the standard background option
except that its value may also be specified as undefined.
In this case, the widget will display no background or border,
and no colors will be consumed from its colormap for its
background and border.
- -colormap
This specifies a colormap to use for the window. The value may be
either new, in which case a new colormap is created
for the window and its children, or the name of another
window (which must be on the same screen and have the same
visual as $widget), in which case the new
window will use the colormap from the specified window.
If the colormap option is not specified, the new window
uses the default colormap of its screen. This option may not
be changed with the configure method.
- -container
The value must be a boolean. If true, it means that this window
will be used as a container in which some other application will be
embedded (for example, a Tk toplevel can be embedded using the -use
option). The window will support the appropriate window manager
for things like geometry requests. The window should not have any
children of its own in this application. This option may not be
changed with the configure method.
- -height
This specifies the desired height for the window in any of the forms
acceptable to Tk_GetPixels. If this option is less than or equal
to zero then the window will not request any size at all.
- -menu
This specifies a menu widget to be used as a menubar. On the Macintosh,
the menubar will be displayed across the top of the main monitor.
On Microsoft Windows and all UNIX platforms, the menu will appear
across the toplevel window as part of the window dressing maintained
by the window manager.
- -screen
This specifies the screen on which to place the new window.
Any valid screen name may be used, even one associated with a
different display. It defaults to the same screen as its parent.
This option is special in that it may not be specified via the
option database, and it may not be modified with the configure method.
- -use
This option is used for embedding. If the value isn't an empty
string, it must be the the window identifier of a container window,
specified as a hexadecimal string like the ones returned by the winfo
id command. The toplevel widget will be created as a child of the
container instead of the root window for the screen. If the container
window is in a Tk application, it must be a frame or toplevel widget
for which the -container option was specified. This option may
not be changed with the configure method.
- -visual
This specifies visual information for the new window in any of the forms
accepted by Tk_GetVisual. If this option is not specified,
the new window will use the default visual for its screen.
The visual option may not be modified with the configure method.
- -width
This specifies the desired width for the window in any of the forms
acceptable to Tk_GetPixels. If this option is less than or
equal to zero then the window will not request any size at all.
There is also a title method, used as
$mw->title('Window title');
which may be used to set the title of the window.
As an example of creating a new top level window,
consider the following program:
# file
use Tk;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $tl;
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
$mw->title('File preview');
my $button = $mw->Button(-text => 'Help',
-command => \&do_top);
my $exit = $mw->Button(-text => 'Exit',
-command => [$mw => 'destroy']);
sub do_top {
if (! Exists($tl)) {
$tl = $mw->Toplevel;
$tl->Button(-text => 'Close',
-command => sub {$tl->withdraw })->pack;
else {
For now don't worry about the use of Button widget -
this will be discussed in the next Chapter.
What happens in this example is that when the user presses
the Help button a new top level window will be
created, if it doesn't already exist.
This window will be withdrawn when the Close
button is pressed within that window. The main window
is closed (and the program terminates) when the Exit
button is pressed. A screen shot of this program with
the new top level window created appears below.
Figure 2.3:
Example of creating a top level window
Randy Kobes