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Water Cycle
There are several components to what is called the water or
hydrological cycle. The one we are most familiar with is the
cycle of water evaporating into clouds, which subsequently gets
returned to the Earth as precipitation. There is also the
cycle of the ocean currents, which can greatly affect the weather
of especially coastal areas (for example, the Gulf Stream brings
warm water from the Caribbean to England, and consequently London,
which is about the same latitude as Hudson's Bay,
has a much warmer climate than what it would otherwise).
Another aspect to the water cycle is that of the ice ages, which occur
over a long time scale of several thousand years.
The origin of ice ages is currently understood in terms of what
are called Milankovitch cycles. As the following diagram
indicates, the Earth spins around on its axis, and like a toy top,
this axis precesses (wobbles) around in a wide circle.
Figure 14.8:
Earth's precession
This precession occurs once every 26,000 years. As well, there is a
small change in the angle of the earth's tilt from the
vertical (ranging from
24.5o to
21.5o), with a period of about 41,000
years, as well as an effect that, over the course of 100,000 years,
the earth's orbit around the Sun goes from fairly elliptical to
fairly circular. The net effect of these motions is that the
axis of the Earth gradually changes its orientation. At present the
Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun during the winter,
which is actually the period at which the Earth is closest to the Sun.
In about 11,500 years, though, the Earth will be tilted towards the
Sun during the winter months. Milankovitch proposed that the
appearance and disappearance of ice ages
are tied into these orbital effects and the subsequent increase
or decrease in solar heat reaching a given area of the Earth.
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Up: Earth's Cycles
Previous: Weather prediction