Why can't a method included in this same file be found?

Some possible reasons: your inheritance is getting confused, you've misspelled the method name, or the object is of the wrong type. Check out perltoot for details about any of the above cases. You may also use print ref($object) to find out the class $object was blessed into.

Another possible reason for problems is because you've used the indirect object syntax (eg, find Guru "Samy") on a class name before Perl has seen that such a package exists. It's wisest to make sure your packages are all defined before you start using them, which will be taken care of if you use the use statement instead of require. If not, make sure to use arrow notation (eg., Guru->find("Samy")) instead. Object notation is explained in perlobj.

Make sure to read about creating modules in perlmod and the perils of indirect objects in perlobj/"Method Invocation".

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