What's wrong with always quoting "$vars"?

The problem is that those double-quotes force stringification-- coercing numbers and references into strings--even when you don't want them to be strings. Think of it this way: double-quote expansion is used to produce new strings. If you already have a string, why do you need more?

If you get used to writing odd things like these:

    print "$var";   	# BAD
    $new = "$old";   	# BAD
    somefunc("$var");	# BAD
You'll be in trouble. Those should (in 99.8% of the cases) be the simpler and more direct:

    print $var;
    $new = $old;
Otherwise, besides slowing you down, you're going to break code when the thing in the scalar is actually neither a string nor a number, but a reference:

    sub func {
	my $aref = shift;
	my $oref = "$aref";  # WRONG
You can also get into subtle problems on those few operations in Perl that actually do care about the difference between a string and a number, such as the magical ++ autoincrement operator or the syscall() function.

Stringification also destroys arrays.

    @lines = `command`;
    print "@lines";		# WRONG - extra blanks
    print @lines;		# right

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