How do I read mail?

While you could use the Mail::Folder module from CPAN (part of the MailFolder package) or the Mail::Internet module from CPAN (also part of the MailTools package), often a module is overkill. Here's a mail sorter.

    # bysub1 - simple sort by subject
    my(@msgs, @sub);
    my $msgno = -1;
    $/ = '';                    # paragraph reads
    while (<>) {
        if (/^From/m) {
            $sub[++$msgno] = lc($1) || '';
        $msgs[$msgno] .= $_;
    for my $i (sort { $sub[$a] cmp $sub[$b] || $a <=> $b } (0 .. $#msgs)) {
        print $msgs[$i];
Or more succinctly,

    #!/usr/bin/perl -n00
    # bysub2 - awkish sort-by-subject
    BEGIN { $msgno = -1 }
    $sub[++$msgno] = (/^Subject:\s*(?:Re:\s*)*(.*)/mi)[0] if /^From/m;
    $msg[$msgno] .= $_;
    END { print @msg[ sort { $sub[$a] cmp $sub[$b] || $a <=> $b } (0 .. $#msg) ] }

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