Can I use perl to run a telnet or ftp session?

Try the Net::FTP, TCP::Client, and Net::Telnet modules (available from CPAN). will also help for emulating the telnet protocol, but Net::Telnet is quite probably easier to use..

If all you want to do is pretend to be telnet but don't need the initial telnet handshaking, then the standard dual-process approach will suffice:

    use IO::Socket; 	    	# new in 5.004
    $handle = IO::Socket::INET->new('')
	    || die "can't connect to port 80 on $!";
    if (fork()) { 	    	# XXX: undef means failure
	print while <STDIN>;    # everything from stdin to socket
    } else {
	print while <$handle>;  # everything from socket to stdout
    close $handle;

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