How do I use a regular expression to strip C style comments from a file?

While this actually can be done, it's much harder than you'd think. For example, this one-liner

    perl -0777 -pe 's{/\*.*?\*/}{}gs' foo.c
will work in many but not all cases. You see, it's too simple-minded for certain kinds of C programs, in particular, those with what appear to be comments in quoted strings. For that, you'd need something like this, created by Jeffrey Friedl and later modified by Fred Curtis.

    $/ = undef;
    $_ = <>;
This could, of course, be more legibly written with the /x modifier, adding whitespace and comments. Here it is expanded, courtesy of Fred Curtis.

       /\*         ##  Start of /* ... */ comment
       [^*]*\*+    ##  Non-* followed by 1-or-more *'s
       )*          ##  0-or-more things which don't start with /
                   ##    but do end with '*'
       /           ##  End of /* ... */ comment
     |         ##     OR  various things which aren't comments:
         "           ##  Start of " ... " string
           \\.           ##  Escaped char
         |               ##    OR
           [^"\\]        ##  Non "\
         "           ##  End of " ... " string
       |         ##     OR
         '           ##  Start of ' ... ' string
           \\.           ##  Escaped char
         |               ##    OR
           [^'\\]        ##  Non '\
         '           ##  End of ' ... ' string
       |         ##     OR
         .           ##  Anything other char
         [^/"'\\]*   ##  Chars which doesn't start a comment, string or escape
A slight modification also removes C++ comments:


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