How do I find yesterday's date?

The time() function returns the current time in seconds since the epoch. Take twenty-four hours off that:

    $yesterday = time() - ( 24 * 60 * 60 );
Then you can pass this to localtime() and get the individual year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds values.

Note very carefully that the code above assumes that your days are twenty-four hours each. For most people, there are two days a year when they aren't: the switch to and from summer time throws this off. A solution to this issue is offered by Russ Allbery.

    sub yesterday {
	my $now  = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : time;
	my $then = $now - 60 * 60 * 24;
	my $ndst = (localtime $now)[8] > 0;
	my $tdst = (localtime $then)[8] > 0;
	$then - ($tdst - $ndst) * 60 * 60;
    # Should give you "this time yesterday" in seconds since epoch relative to
    # the first argument or the current time if no argument is given and
    # suitable for passing to localtime or whatever else you need to do with
    # it.  $ndst is whether we're currently in daylight savings time; $tdst is
    # whether the point 24 hours ago was in daylight savings time.  If $tdst
    # and $ndst are the same, a boundary wasn't crossed, and the correction
    # will subtract 0.  If $tdst is 1 and $ndst is 0, subtract an hour more
    # from yesterday's time since we gained an extra hour while going off
    # daylight savings time.  If $tdst is 0 and $ndst is 1, subtract a
    # negative hour (add an hour) to yesterday's time since we lost an hour.
    # All of this is because during those days when one switches off or onto
    # DST, a "day" isn't 24 hours long; it's either 23 or 25.
    # The explicit settings of $ndst and $tdst are necessary because localtime
    # only says it returns the system tm struct, and the system tm struct at
    # least on Solaris doesn't guarantee any particular positive value (like,
    # say, 1) for isdst, just a positive value.  And that value can
    # potentially be negative, if DST information isn't available (this sub
    # just treats those cases like no DST).
    # Note that between 2am and 3am on the day after the time zone switches
    # off daylight savings time, the exact hour of "yesterday" corresponding
    # to the current hour is not clearly defined.  Note also that if used
    # between 2am and 3am the day after the change to daylight savings time,
    # the result will be between 3am and 4am of the previous day; it's
    # arguable whether this is correct.
    # This sub does not attempt to deal with leap seconds (most things don't).
    # Copyright relinquished 1999 by Russ Allbery <>
    # This code is in the public domain

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