How do I profile my Perl programs?

You should get the Devel::DProf module from the standard distribution (or separately on CPAN) and also use from the standard distribution. The Benchmark module lets you time specific portions of your code, while Devel::DProf gives detailed breakdowns of where your code spends its time.

Here's a sample use of Benchmark:

  use Benchmark;
  @junk = `cat /etc/motd`;
  $count = 10_000;
  timethese($count, {
            'map' => sub { my @a = @junk;
			   map { s/a/b/ } @a;
			   return @a
            'for' => sub { my @a = @junk;
			   local $_;
			   for (@a) { s/a/b/ };
			   return @a },
This is what it prints (on one machine--your results will be dependent on your hardware, operating system, and the load on your machine):

  Benchmark: timing 10000 iterations of for, map...
         for:  4 secs ( 3.97 usr  0.01 sys =  3.98 cpu)
         map:  6 secs ( 4.97 usr  0.00 sys =  4.97 cpu)
Be aware that a good benchmark is very hard to write. It only tests the data you give it and proves little about the differing complexities of contrasting algorithms.
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