What are the Perl newsgroups on Usenet? Where do I post questions?

The now defunct comp.lang.perl newsgroup has been superseded by the following groups:

    comp.lang.perl.announce 		Moderated announcement group
    comp.lang.perl.misc     		Very busy group about Perl in general
    comp.lang.perl.moderated            Moderated discussion group
    comp.lang.perl.modules  		Use and development of Perl modules
    comp.lang.perl.tk           	Using Tk (and X) from Perl
    comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi 	Writing CGI scripts for the Web.
There is also a Usenet gateway to Perl mailing lists sponsored by perl.org at nntp://nntp.perl.org , a web interface to the same lists at http://nntp.perl.org/group/ and these lists are also available under the perl.* hierarchy at http://groups.google.com . Other groups are listed at http://lists.perl.org/ ( also known as http://lists.cpan.org/ ).

A nice place to ask questions is the PerlMonks site, http://www.perlmonks.org/

Note that none of the above are supposed to write your code for you: asking questions about particular problems or general advice is fine, but asking someone to write your code for free is not very cool.

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